Transfer Pricing Associates

Nelson Mandela to bring out clothing line

post Wednesday August 29, 2012


Nelson Mandela is a hero in the eyes of many. He led the resistance against the racial separation and white domination policies of the National Party in South Africa. Over the past decades he has built considerable recognition and a sound reputation, creating a name and image that is well worth protecting in order to avoid the outside commercialization thereof.

Nelson Mandela established several foundations with the purpose of spreading awareness of HIV/aids, providing kids in rural areas with access to health care and education and for promoting justice for all. All these foundations make use of his intellectual property to create awareness. One of the foundations, the 46664 Campaign (named after Nelson Mandela’s prisoner number) which promotes awareness and prevention of HIV/Aids has launched their own apparel line. 46664 has evolved into becoming a sustainable fund raising vehicle and hopes to raise more funds and more awareness for the foundation by means of the clothing line. The line is expected to be sold in the US this fall.

The clothing can be purchased online, for more information click here.

Source: Nelson, 4664, Novagraaf

Image source: NelsonMandelaOnline

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