Transfer Pricing Associates

Siemens: Top Innovator 2011

post Thursday June 21, 2012



The German company Siemens, Europe’s largest electronics and electrical engineering company was named the leading innovator company of Europe in 2011. Last year, Siemens filed more patent applications than any other company, In 2011 alone, Siemens filed 2,235 patents, averaging to about 6 patents filed per day.  The same year the company disclosed 8,600 inventions which averages to about 40 inventions per day.

This is no surprise, however, Siemens has around 28,000 researchers and developers worldwide coming up with innovative solutions for energy, industry, infrastructure and health-care, and enters into more than 1,000 partnerships each year. Also, Siemens organizes contests such as the “Smart Grid Contest” which encourages the general public to come up with innovative solutions towards the generation, distribution and consumption of electricity in a manner that is sustainable. Innovation is key to the company’s core competencies.

No doubt Siemens will continue to innovate and deliver sustainable solutions to communities worldwide.

Source: Siemens & EPO

image: UKOM

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