post Tuesday September 13, 2011
Apple and Google are rated as top rises of 2010 best global brand, a 37% and 36% increase of brand value compare to 2009 according to Interbrand Best Global Brand report 2010, further illustrate the importance of innovation in today’s global market.
The Best Global Brands 2010, developed by Interbrand, evaluate the brand based on three criteria’s: 1) the financial performance of the company; 2) the role of the brand and 3) brand strength. In order to be considered for the list, each brand must derive one third of its earnings outside its home country. Google’s innovation and global reach have greatly enhanced its brand value and the commitment to expand and diversify its business has pushed the brand value into a new level. Apple, the digital and computer company, with the distinct and consistent design of its products such as iPad, iPhone4, is leading a new trend in the cellphone and computer area. “Advertising campaigns and interactive websites remain distinct and consistent, keeping the role of brand exceptionally high.” according to Best Global Brands Report 2010. Moreover, Apple’s careful control over the developments of its products creates significant anticipations in the market.
The significant rise of Apple and Google strengthens the importance of beauty, design and functionality in today’s business and brand development. Google, with its simple and straightforward webpages, has successfully spread its brand name around the globe, and Apple, with its distinct and consistent designed products, has built strong brand loyalty and great global reputation.
Coke Cola is valued as the No.1 best global brand, followed by IBM and Microsoft, the leading computer technology and software companies. Google and Apple is placed 4th and 17th in the ranking.
WPP, a global communications service company, also developed their new most valuable brand list. Apple has overtaken the internet search giant Google as the world’s most valuable brand, with a value of $153 billion according to
The success of iPad tablet and iPhone has boosted the brand value of the company to $153.3 billion, a 84% increase. On the other hand, Google is valued at $115.5 billion, a 2% decrease. International Business Machines Corp. (IBM) is ranked at NO.3 followed by McDonald’s. The 2011 Branz Top 100 Brands worth $2.4 billion collectively.
WPP calculated the brand value based on a number of factors, including an estimation of the brand’s contribution to earnings, the value of intangible assets the degree of customer loyalty and the future growth potential.
“It’s clear that every single Apple employee, from Steve Jobs and Tim Cook to the summer interns, see protecting and nurturing that brand as a top priority,” Millward Brown Chief Executive Officer Eileen Campbell wrote in the report. “Tablet computing also drove value growth not just for Apple, but also for the providers who support yet another networked device.”
The brands ranking are dominated by technology companies, suggesting the future growth potential of this industry.