Transfer Pricing Associates

New Features on IPR Plaza

post Monday April 22, 2013


In an effort to further develop the resources provided to our web visitors, IPR Plaza is pleased to announce the creation of our subscription service. Members of the IPR Plaza staff have worked tirelessly to synthesize information and create content that will add value to individuals interested in or working with intellectual property and valuation. The primary feature that will be available to our premium subscribers is access to in-depth case studies that provide expert analysis into companies that lead the way in intellectual property management and development.

Case Studies

Well-known companies like Zara and Samsung will be used as examples to illustrate how to optimize IP management to make the most out of your business and its assets. Every case study examines at an in-depth level how a particular company manages its IP and what differentiates the company from other competitors and the rest of the industry. The case studies will analyse the company’s business model and strategy, as well as the company’s most important intangibles and where they are embedded in the supply chain. How the company protects and manages its intangibles will also be evaluated at length in order to provide tangible ways to improve other businesses. The companies that are evaluated differentiate themselves from their competitors by their resourceful IP management. To read these case studies go to Another resouce available connected to the case studies is quizzes that provide follow up questions related to the original case. These questions and answers are geared to develop practical applications for businesses.

Premium Accounts

The newly developed case studies will be available strictly to premium subscribers to IPR Plaza. The ability to subscribe is now available at this link. There is currently a bonus for subscribing between now and July, 2013. If an individual subscribes he will receive a 50% discount on subscription costs. Premium accounts also are valid for one year. Furthermore, we offer the case study on Zarafree to the public to give you an idea of the look and feel of the case studies.

Valuation Standards

Additionally, What are the valuation standards for intangibles in … ?  is a new series of Q&As about international and national valuation standards on intangibles. The aim of this series is to provide professionals with information about intangible valuation in different countries around the world. The effects of increasing globalization are triggering a substantial increase in cross-border transactions. It is, therefore, that standards must be developed and implemented to harmonize the quantification of the intangible values created.

Smarter-Companies Solutions

We are proud to announce that as of May, IPR Plaza will expand its services with Smarter-Companies solutions. IPR Plaza will help SMEs in Europe to optimize returns on their intangible capital. Our ‘ICountants’ identify the unique intangible capital of the organization, measure it, and give advice how to increase the value generated by intangible capital. But that is not all. Our team of experts are even available to put the recommendations into action. Click here to read more about these new services and do not hesitate to contact us to discuss what IPR Plaza can do for your organization.

IPR Plaza’s New Look and Feel

We not only added all these new features to IPR Plaza, but we also created a new look and feel of the website, making it more intuitive. Have a look at

Recording Webinar

IPR Plaza’s latest webinar was presented by Jackie Maguire, CEO of Coller IP. The topic was: “Managing Intangible Asset Value and Risk”. The recording of this webinar is now available in our news section:click here.

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