Transfer Pricing Associates

Week of January 21: Top intellectual property rights articles

post Friday January 25, 2013


HMRC Covers 1bn transfer pricing

Brazil Amends Transfer Pricing System

Transfer Pricing on Home Turf

Malta - The IP Jurisdiction of Choice

The Evolving World of IP and the Internet

Michelle Obama gown designer Jason WU snubbed by intellectual property court in native Taiwan

IP in the Global Village

Advocate General Tackles IP Law Changes

China to Establish Center to Resolve IP Debate

Governments put WHOS's Independence on Top of Reform

The Patent Box

US Court Throws out Bratz Doll Award Against Mattel

In case you missed them, IPR Plaza articles from this week:

Data Analysis is Changing the Market Landscape

Walsh v Walsh: A case for personal goodwill

Web seminar announcement

Adapting to the AIA

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