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British Youth's Creativity Endangered

post Tuesday December 18, 2012

art, free digital photos

Britain’s creativity is endangered by the recently introduced English Baccalaureate, which does not include art subjects in its main curriculum. Art experts say that the representation of art as complementary to academic subjects can seriously harm the creativity of young students.

They argue that art has important implications on the development of the child. Children exposed to art are twice as likely to volunteer and are 20% more likely to vote as an adult. Children from poor family backgrounds who are engaged in artistic activities are three times more likely to receive a degree. Artistic education helps children develop their imagination, their emotional creativity and improve their visual skills. Furthermore, it significantly impacts the development of the personality of the child. Art provides a perfect platform for children to learn to express their feelings, and personalities and it is a good way to learn to deal with their struggles and insecurities, and in this way it significantly contributes to the creation of a healthy grown-up society.  

Artistic development contributes to success in other areas which involve creativity as well. Interpretation of visuals is integrated in everyday life and it has an important role especially in the industries where innovation is prospered, such as engineering or design. Art is directly related to visual literacy, and it has been proven that it contributes to the development of critical thinking and understanding of math and it even facilitates English skills.  

Despite the forces of the UK government, the new educational system was reformed in a way which presents art as a supplementary subject in school. The importance in the education under the proposed system is put on academic subjects and force art subjects to the side. This view might have a serious impact on the future of IP. If children are not educated for creativity, they will lack the necessary input needed for the creation of Intellectual Property.

Source: The Guardian

Image source: Free Digital Photos



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