post Tuesday July 23, 2013
3D printing could trigger intellectual property wars, legal expert says:
If 3D printing fulfills the potential that some have predicted for it, the technology could plague some businesses with the same intellectual property nightmares that struck the music and film industries after the introduction of Napster, according to one legal expert.
Marathon Patent Group: An Intellectual Property Stock Ready For The Future:
Most of the action in IP investing relates to investments in IP assets. There is a view that patents, brands, copyrights, and other intangible assets have inherent value and investment strategies have been created to capitalize on these assets. Patents are now routinely acquired by investment groups as part of an enforcement and licensing strategy.
Commercial real estate, intellectual property seen as the new frontiers in Las Vegas law:
During Nevada’s earliest years, before other municipalities followed suit and loosened their marriage laws, many local attorneys carved out very comfortable livings handling uncontested divorces (Clark Gable and Ria Langham’s 1939 split helped Las Vegas eclipse Reno as the nation’s divorce capital).
Intellectual Property and the Value of an Open Internet:
In June 2013, the Internet Society released a paper on how it would like to see the discussions of intellectual property evolve. The focus of the paper was on process rather than on substance. The goal was not to reinvent the wheel. On the contrary, the Internet Society, having paid attention to the way discussions have been shaping and the way the arguments have been evolving, took the initiative to put forth a set of best practices that should underline all intellectual property discussions regardless of whether they are taking place at a national, regional or international level.
Intellectual property invoice scams:
We are seeing an explosion of bogus invoices for "International Trademark Registration" that are sent to entities that have recently registered trademarks with the United States Patent Trademark Office ("USPTO").
Articles from IPR Plaza this week:
Productive Meetings between US Trade Rep and India
Following the decision of India to dismiss their practice of Preferential Market Access (PMA), the United States still has expressed concern over the protection and support of intellectual property in India. While the United States has responded positively to the end of the PMA era in India, the Obama administration and others in the United States are still very cautious.
In an effort to continue the support of intellectual property and provide clear rulings on matters involving IP, Russia has opened the doors to a new area of its judicial system. This last July 2nd, the the Plenum of the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation granted their seal of approval for the commencement of the recently created IP Court.
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