Transfer Pricing Associates

Week of October 1: Top intellectual property rights articles

post Friday October 5, 2012


Sony Sues Kevin Butler, Bridgestone

Samsung Operating Profit Up 85%

Protecting Creative and Intellectual Property on the Internet

Intellectual Property Rules Must Provide Even Playing Field to Support Innovation

Oman Developing Intellectual Property Strategy

Holder to Announce Grant Winners in an Effort to Prosecute Intellectual Property Theft

Signapore, S. Korea to to Boost Intellectual Property Cooperation

What the US Senate Heard About Offshore Profit Shifting

Brazil Changes Transfer Pricing Margins

IPR Plaza Articles:

Samsung Sues Apple’s iPhone 5 and Allowed to Sell Galaxy Tab in US

China's 2012 IP Strategy

Fines for Piracy Return

Google Withdraws Patent Complaint Against Apple

Japan Imposes New Piracy Penalties

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