post Friday August 3, 2012
Apple and Samsung Lock Horns Over Patents - Financial Times
As the courtroom clashes continue, Apple and Samsung argued over damages in an excess of $2bn. The trial plans to test the company's intellectual property rights in the mobile touchscreen mobile device market.
Gen. Keith Alexander is the director of the National Security Agency and oversees U.S. Cyber Command, which means he leads the government's effort to protect America from cyberattacks. The article reviews the July 9 session and Alexander's remarks.
The article discusses the recent Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement and its potential effects on intellectual property right law and regulations.
The article reviews the difficulties with the OECD in emerging economies, and illustrates the experiences of taxpayers in local economies.
As the US patent law continyes to evolve, it is important for innovators to understand how to protect their creations.
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