Transfer Pricing Associates

Week of March 4: Top intellectual property rights articles

post Monday March 11, 2013

Nokia loses key Android patent battle with HTC

Nokia has lost two patent suits it filed against HTC, including one concerning the use of Google Play in Android devices.

2013 Intellectual Property Hot List Nominations

The National Law Journal is accepting nominations for our 2013 Intellectual Property Hot List. We will highlight firms that focus significantly on patent, copyright or trademark work and have demonstrated creative strategies for litigation, patent prosecution, licensing and other transactional work. We want to hear about important matters that the firm handled during calendar year 2012.

Post 2015 Development Agenda

Director-General Pascal Lamy, in a speech at the Conference on International Cooperation in 2020 in the Hague on 7 March 2013, said that “economic growth and trade — as a driver of growth — deserve a prominent place in the post 2015 development agenda.

Pfizer Gets 18 More Months of Celebrex Patent Protection

There's reason to celebrate for Celebrex. Pfizer announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has added 18 months onto the pharmaceutical company's previous patent for the painkiller Celebrex. The "reissue patent" effectively extend's Pfizer's exclusive sales from May 30, 2014, to Dec. 2, 2015, and also includes pediatric exclusivity for a six-month period.

Report on Seed Giants' Initiatives to Preserve Monopoly on Global Food

A report released yesterday by the non-profit ETC Group claims that six companies are seeking to control current priorities and the future direction of agricultural research. According to the report, giant seed companies are launching initiatives to preserve their IP rights and deflate antitrust concerns.

USPTO and AutoHarvest to Collaborate to Accelerate Advanced Manufacturing

The US Department of Commerce’s United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the AutoHarvest Foundation announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to work together to spur innovation and generate jobs in advanced manufacturing. According to the USPTO, the two organizations will collaborate on the creation of an online environment for innovators to exchange information, facilitate technical discussions, and encourage the growth of entrepreneurial activities. The USPTO opened its first-ever satellite office in Detroit in July 2012, and the MoU is part of the agency’s outreach into the community.

Monsato v. Bowman: Stocktaking After Supreme Court Hearings

The United States Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in the case opposing a US farmer to agro-industry giant Monsanto on the issue of patent exhaustion in patented seeds. Lead lawyers in the case and others offered comments on the heels of the hearing, while the Supreme Court Justices are considering the arguments and are expected to reach a decision sometime this spring.

Marathon Patent Group Established IP Review Group

Marathon Patent Group, Inc., an Intellectual Property services and monetization company, announced today that it has established a new IP Research and Services Center at the University of Arizona Science & Technology Park in Tucson, Arizona. The center is expected to generate revenues from IP consulting services, facilitate licensing clients, and provide IP licensing support to operating businesses with significant IP assets.

Articles from IPR Plaza:

Russia Sets up Dedicated IP Court

Taco Bell Uses LAPD Car in Commercial

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