post Thursday November 29, 2012
Today, companies spend much more on intangibles than they do on tangible goods, making intangibles the critical asset class of the modern corporation. The value of intangibles that are not on the balance sheet is now much larger than the total value of fixed assets and intangibles that are on the balance sheet. This should be a reason for companies to actively adopt IP management. A shift in focus is needed. If you know how to shift this focus towards intangibles, your company will be maximizing the return on its most valuable assets.
IP management should not be viewed as a secondary process or cost. Done right, IP management has the potential of creating significant revenue and corporate value. Active management of intangibles should thus be a primary task of every management team.
This webinar will provide data on this critical asset class, will give you two frameworks for identifying and leveraging your intangibles and will include case studies on:
· Nespresso
· Starbucks
· Zara
· Walmart
· Mary Adams, Principal, Trek Consulting
· Steef Huibregtse, Global Partner, Transfer Pricing Associates
Friday, December 14, 2012
7.00am – 8.00am Los Angeles
10.00am - 11.00am, New York
3.00pm - 4.00pm, London
4.00pm - 5.00pm, Amsterdam
Click here to register today for this free web event to learn how to make the most of IP inside your business.