post Thursday November 28, 2013
A new textbook on intangible valuation has been recently introduced to the market. The book of Robert Reilly and Robert Schweihs aims to guide its readers through the perquisites of intangible valuation and is entitled “Guide to Intangible Asset Valuation”. The book is published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is a member association representing the accounting profession. Its purpose is to provide ethical standards, enforce compliance to those standards; and develop standards for audits of private companies and other services by CPAs. However, AICPA also strives to provide guidance and educational materials to its members. They are involved in the development and evaluation of Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination.
According to AICPA, its mission is “to provide members with the resources, information and leadership that enable them to provide valuable services in the highest professional manner to benefit the public, employers and clients”. The new textbook on intangible asset valuation perfectly serves their mission.
Valuation of intangible assets is a hot topic recently, since approximately 80% of a company’s value is embedded in intangible assets. Furthermore, the value and usage of intangible assets increases by the day. However, the current accounting practices fail to adequately capture all the value intangibles carry. Critiques argue that this is because accountants focus too much on the bottom line of earnings and cash flows. Implicit in the problem surrounding intangible assets is the evolution of doing business and that of the assessment of value drivers.
The main topics discussed in the new book - “Guide to Intangible Asset Valuation” - are intangible asset valuation from a technical perspective, economic damages and transfer price analyses. Furthermore, the key value drivers of intangible assets, such as economic attributes and influences, are studied in the book. The theoretical content is accompanied by illustrative examples of intangible asset damages and transfer price analyses and detailed case studies of generally accepted valuation techniques.
Source: IPToday
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