Transfer Pricing Associates

Web seminar: Superstar SMEs - the path to high innovation and high performance

Thursday August 29, 2013 op IPR Plaza Global Web Event at 16:00

Changing technologies make it possible for a business of any size to acquire super powers. The chances for innovation and high performance exist in virtually any industry. 

But what separates the superstars from the laggards who bump along from year to year? Superstars understand that the drivers of competitive advantage have changed. And these new drivers require new approaches to management and measurement. Using industrial-era management techniques can actually prevent high innovation and performance. 

This webinar will help you:

The speaker will be Mary Adams, founder of Smarter-Companies and the creator of ICounts tools used to optimize the measurement, management and monetization of the intangible capital that makes up 80% of corporate value today. The company has trained licensees, called ICountants, in Europe, Africa, Asia, South and North America. IPR Plaza is one of them! Mary is also the co-author of Intangible Capital: Putting Knowledge to Work in the 21st Century Organization. Previously, she spent 14 years as the founder of Trek Consulting and 14 years as a high-risk lender at Citicorp and Sanwa Business Credit.  

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

7.00am – 8.00am, Los Angeles
10.00am - 11.00am, New York
3.00pm - 4.00pm, London
4.00pm - 5.00pm, Amsterdam

>>Click here to register today for this free web event<<