Transfer Pricing Associates

Pharmaceutical Mini-academy – 02. Structuring In-licensed IPRs

Thursday June 13, 2013 op Web event at 16:00

How to deal with structuring of in-licensed IPRs?
Lesson 1 to build an ideal pipeline: Should the MNE’s in the pharmaceutical industry resort to in-license R&D from specialty shops and universities?

In the process of recreating their pipelines, pharmaceuticals are currently weighting their probabilities of R&D success against alternative options such as “cool stuff that doesn't kill you and you still make some money on”. As such, we witness more in-license R&D agreements with “specialty shops” and universities. In the process of structuring in-licensed IPRs, MNE’s seem to prefer the creation of centralized IP hubs or principle structures. During this webinar we will explore potential options that will soften the effect of high costs faced by centralized IPR hubs in low tax jurisdictions.

Would entering a cost sharing agreement with a profitable entity seem like the promising solution that will lower the group’s effective tax rate (ETR)? What other considerations should be taken into account?
Fee: free of charge
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